Josh Unruh
Josh brings over 20 years of role-playing experience to the Guild's tables. He values immersive settings, and dynamic scenarios when running games. His favorite thing about GMing for the guild is teaching kids lessons about friendship, cooperation, and compassion. When not leading kids on heroic adventures, he can be found building RPG systems, brewing coffee, and crafting leather goods for his business Inglewood Armory.
Keith Potempa
With an MFA in creative writing and a decade behind the screen, Keith knows to raise the stakes and pull on the heart-strings of the characters at his table. He values quick pacing and simple rules when leading a story. When not GMing for the Guild, chances are he's writing his next novel, pouring latte art, designing RPG rule-sets, and sharing his knowledge of plot with Nashville's writing community.
Michael "Shagg" Dement
Shagg is known for bringing the excitement to the table and for being the biggest fan of the PCs in the adventure he's running. He's been playing D&D since its earliest edition when he was as old as the heroes he's leading for the guild today! Shagg values making the characters feel heroic by upping the stakes, impact, and action players in his game are sure to experience.
Adam Fisher
A fan of literature from a young age, Adam found D&D several years ago and immediately settled in behind the screen to be GMing ever since. When GMing he likes to think of himself as the spine, cover, and bindings of the book that will become your adventure - the players will fill the pages. His favorite thing about GMing with the Guild are the moments when his players correct him on the rules, showing their dedication to understanding and memorizing the game. If he's not leading adventures, he's probably got an axe to grind (literally), a wall to climb, or a craft brew to quaff.
Daniel Chapdelain
Even the wisest of wizards knows that devotion to a subject trumps the time one has pursued a craft. In no example is this greater shown than with Daniels brief yet fervent study of role-playing games. Now with a multitude of systems under his belt, Daniel has brought his knowledge excitement, and passion to The Heroes Guild's tables. Daniel is all about the role-play. Always the first of don a voice as player or GM, he brings bold, well-thought-out PCs and NPCs to any game he joins.
Sophie Seage
Sophie had admired D&D from a distance for years before finally taking the plunge four years ago, and has quickly sharpened her role-playing teeth to become an incredible player and a multi-faceted DM. Sophie believes the most fulfilling and personal stories emerge from the characters - both PC and NPC - so that's where she puts her focus when leading a story. Her favorite thing about volunteering for The Heroes Guild is getting the opportunity to experience a multitude of play styles; from her fellow GMs and the dozens of kids she's introduced to RPGs.
This could be you!
If you're interested in joining our Game Master ranks, send us a message by email and we can talk through the details!
Sean Marie Hart
Sean Marie was introduced to D&D several years ago by Josh, her co-worker at Ugly Mugs Coffee and Tea, quickly picking up the rules and always striving to keep her allies healed through their adventures. With a heart to serve, it's no surprise that Sean Marie played a healer in her first go with D&D. Though that campaign has ended, shes continued her mission to help her friends by becoming a devoted game master, counselor, and valued member of the Heroes' Guild team.